As per usual I have been wrapped up with living, I've had no time to update here. Well when I say living I actually mean working, eating, exercising and sleeping. I'm still finding it very difficult to adapt to doing exercise on a regular basis. There is certainly a lack of consistency as far as the amount of exercise I do goes. Sometimes its 4-5 times a week of gym going and aquaerobics, other times its 1-2. I'd like to have more of a routine, but what about the nights you need to have an emergency starfucks/pub visit with best friend to talk? What about when boyfriend offers to take you out for dinner or to the cinema. I don't particularly want to write off my social life completely during the week, but I do feel more of a routine may help my dreadful energy levels. I now weigh 12 stone five pounds so you can see I've made little progress over the last month, however people I haven't seen much lately keep telling me I look as though I've lost more weight. I'm really glad that despite the lack of weight shifting I am changing regardless. My tummy is shrinking, my back flab is disappearing and my arms which have I always hated seem to be smaller. As far as food goes, I guess I'm still eating too much but in some ways I don't care. Ever since I've had hypnotherapy I feel liberated in terms of my diet. No longer obsessing over cakes and chocolate is wonderful. Food is both functional and a joy. When I want something interesting or bit exciting, I cook something tasty. When I want simple food its poached eggs on toast. I have also enjoyed just cooking for myself too, I seem to have a bit more time due to it and I think boyfriend prefers this way too! We've agreed to buy some staples together but will continue to eat our own food. All of that aside I guess I still need to make some changes to my diet, it needs to be lower on quantity. I have no idea how many calories I currently consume. I think the major change diet-wise this month has been that I have drifted away from the GI diet and now eat 'healthily'. I've sticking to low gi principles of eating, but not adhering to rigidly to the GI Diet anymore, for example if I was to follow the GI diet I'd not eat eggs or bananas. Despite the lack of weight loss, I think moving away from the GI Diet is a good development for me. I'm grateful for good old Rick and his recipe books and ideas, but I feel I've grown up diet-wise enough now to fly away from the low GI nest. Oh well, more tweaking changing and exercise is to be done, I am confident I'll get there in the end!
You sound really positive too. x
Posted by: Claire | 08/04/2008 at 01:47 PM